boysordeath's Diaryland Diary


lame 1st kisses

let's talk about first kisses. mine was really lame. i think i was 13 or maybe 12. i was peer pressured into kissing some nerd named AJ for the sake of tormenting him. my friend angie held him down, i kissed him, and vise-versa.

my first french kiss was equally as lame. i was 13. ricky told me he'd give me a dollar to kiss our friend preston.

this story may be funny.

we planned the big kiss for after school. i was worried about my breath so i sucked on a cinnamin sucker.

the kiss was pretty strange. i think i just kind of sat there while he did all the kissing. a handful of friends watched us, just in the corner of a hallway. someone, maybe it was me, said something about that being my first french kiss and everyone laughed really hard. i was a little embarrased but kind of like "whatever, it wasn't my first KISS." people also called me a prostitute because ricky paid me.

then, i decided maybe i had a crush on him, even if the kiss was weird, so i wrote him a letter that actually appoligized for the bad kissing. also, i remembered that he hated cinnamin flavored candy so i appologized for that too. i asked him to "go out" with me. he said no.

maybe a week or so later, i became friends with a girl named valerie. she told me about her boyfriend, i asked his name, she said it was preston, and they had been "going out" for a month or so. i felt guilty that he kissed me while they were going out, but i can't remember if i ever told her. i don't think i did. but i always felt bad for knowing that.

4:14 p.m. - 2003-11-18


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