boysordeath's Diaryland Diary


A story.

When she discovered it her heart jumped into her chest...THIS! After all the conversations and mocking. It was a treasure trove that she wished she didn't find a treasure. She recognized that in some peculiar way beyond the anger she initially felt and the nice words she even more initially said...she feels a strange sadness right in the pit of her stomach when she thinks of him. Although she tries not to think of him at all. It was a bad idea from the start she tells her pet turtle as he waddles away with absolutely nothing to say but only to show a ridiculous stub of flesh/tail that could be some weird turtle butt penis. She feels satisfied knowing that he left too. They left it there for good.

She thinks to herself that if perhaps circumstances had been different...medications in check and periods not perioding, then maybe it would have been different. Then she thinks...nah, it wasn't ever going to work out.

1:31 a.m. - 2007-01-19


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