boysordeath's Diaryland Diary



It feels really great to say that at thirty, I finally have my shit together (mostly) and I'm falling in love. Same guy as the last post. I want to tell everyone, but just got out of a relationship, so I'm keeping it a little more quiet. It feels so silly and light. We just want to kiss all the time. He is the same every time as the first date, just as awesome as ever, making me feel really great in many, many ways. I feel properly respected and loved in a way I haven't felt yet, without even hearing him say he loves me. I don't care about hearing it at this point, though I'm sure it'll be a really nice moment when I do hear it; it's the action of love that I see every day that is really beautiful.

This is a younger feeling situation than I imagined my next partner, but he's my age, just doing that content to be a young adult thing that I stopped doing a while back. It's fun. He feels so familiar, like the best parts of everyone awesome that I've dated before all rolled into one with the added bonus of a like-mind. I am so lucky! We express our gratitude for our connection multiple times a day. We talked about how we will have ten kids just for fun if we are ever rich. Happiness abounds.

8:13 p.m. - 2013-08-25


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